Pink isn't just the color that represents sweet and charming things. It is a color that represents something or someone strong. We've all heard it, "Real men wear pink."
Expressions of Pink is the bouquet that wins the heart of anyone who LOVES pink! Conroy's Flowers Canoga Park wants to win your hearts with a dazzling pink bouquet. Various shades of pink roses, lilies and carnations are mixed in with an accent of salal.
The flowers delicately placed in this bouquet are gathered in a clear glass vase and tied off with a big pink bow. Here in Canoga Park, CA, we swear the bows are essential.
The fragrance that glistens off of this bouquet is sure to stop anyone passing by. Once they get a good look at the bouquet, they are sure to stay and spark up a conversation. Valentine's Day is right around the corner. Don’t forget. If you do, your options will be limited. We are florists not superheroes, but that is a close second.
Conroy's Flowers Canoga Park is eager to receive your calls and create the pink bouquet of your or your special someone's dreams. We are located in Canoga Park, CA. If you would like to personalize this bouquet, contact us and see what is available. Help us, help you. Pink is always in style.